There goes the bee, again, he tries to sting you with his needle. He's trying to sting you deep within your core. And hurts you... lashi...
There goes the bee, again, he tries to sting you with his needle. He's trying to sting you deep within your core. And hurts you... lashing words you thought he'll never utter.
Like anyone, I hate rumors. Especially if its untrue, it ruins relationships, friendships and trust. That's what happened to me all along. People who hate me, spread rumors on how bad a person they think I am. And people innocent of these issues would be brainwashed, and would then move away from me. Even those people who you thought would be there for you, when worse comes to worse.
Its worse that they, the friends who could have defended you, were the ones who ruined your image, the ones who ruined friendships, trust etc...
I admit that never in my life that i had been the "good" one. I admit that since elementary I am an outcast. But that does not mean that I'm the bad guy. Sometimes, its just because I am the only one who understands (not to be mapangmataas), and it sucks to be blamed for things that you never meant to be doing or acting.
High school, I was that guy who would never want to be beaten. I tried to run from my horrible childhood social life and start bad again at high school. But I realized there, I need to be mature enough for me to have more friends. That its not just being #1 in Academics or excelling in one field that would give me a bright life, I realized I have to go on with life and be happy, and don't force myself to be the best. But enhance myself to be better.
In college, I was too close for comfort. I thought that I can trust people and I never thought they'd leave me hanging, and when things happened, I was just there lying on my bed, crying... Waiting for someone to talk to me on what I have done wrong... But no one came...
It seems to me that they're just mad to me, because everyone else is, and that's just because their friend is irritated to me, mad at me. Non sense.
Can't the world just be fair? Why can't you be my friend even if your friend's mad at me?
Wala ba silang sariling pag-iisip that they'd just throw a possible 'great person' na ma-memeet nila dahil lang may disclaimer sa ugali niya? Na some person told you that he's bad and all.
It's not fair. And that's what happened all throughout this year. Nasayang lang lahat ng oras.
I could have been a great friend to all of you. But since now, that we have healed (okay, we have eased the pain) wounds, its time to move on, and I am glad that lately, you have accepted me as your friend. In the end, people might notice it more and notice that I'm not the bad guy after all.
I never spread rumors about anyone in the dorm. Someone spread bad rumors about me.
I am happy I never make 'patol'. At least, I did well resolving it by myself.
And to those who did spread rumors about me and continuing on spreading rumors, not only about me, but also about other people, behind their backs. Stop that. Reflect, you're just insecure.
All of us have mistakes and you dont have to reiterate that to other people, lalo na if they didn't see those bad qualities sa person, they might just tell the person you are gossiping about, what kind of person you are, backbiter. =P
More news...
I bought the Kalaidoscope World CD of the Kalayaan Residence Hall. I'd soon upload the music here at my blog!
My picture last formal dinner would soon be posted. As soon as exams are out, I'll go back to normal blogging.
Like anyone, I hate rumors. Especially if its untrue, it ruins relationships, friendships and trust. That's what happened to me all along. People who hate me, spread rumors on how bad a person they think I am. And people innocent of these issues would be brainwashed, and would then move away from me. Even those people who you thought would be there for you, when worse comes to worse.
Its worse that they, the friends who could have defended you, were the ones who ruined your image, the ones who ruined friendships, trust etc...
I admit that never in my life that i had been the "good" one. I admit that since elementary I am an outcast. But that does not mean that I'm the bad guy. Sometimes, its just because I am the only one who understands (not to be mapangmataas), and it sucks to be blamed for things that you never meant to be doing or acting.
High school, I was that guy who would never want to be beaten. I tried to run from my horrible childhood social life and start bad again at high school. But I realized there, I need to be mature enough for me to have more friends. That its not just being #1 in Academics or excelling in one field that would give me a bright life, I realized I have to go on with life and be happy, and don't force myself to be the best. But enhance myself to be better.
In college, I was too close for comfort. I thought that I can trust people and I never thought they'd leave me hanging, and when things happened, I was just there lying on my bed, crying... Waiting for someone to talk to me on what I have done wrong... But no one came...
It seems to me that they're just mad to me, because everyone else is, and that's just because their friend is irritated to me, mad at me. Non sense.
Can't the world just be fair? Why can't you be my friend even if your friend's mad at me?
Wala ba silang sariling pag-iisip that they'd just throw a possible 'great person' na ma-memeet nila dahil lang may disclaimer sa ugali niya? Na some person told you that he's bad and all.
It's not fair. And that's what happened all throughout this year. Nasayang lang lahat ng oras.
I could have been a great friend to all of you. But since now, that we have healed (okay, we have eased the pain) wounds, its time to move on, and I am glad that lately, you have accepted me as your friend. In the end, people might notice it more and notice that I'm not the bad guy after all.
I never spread rumors about anyone in the dorm. Someone spread bad rumors about me.
I am happy I never make 'patol'. At least, I did well resolving it by myself.
And to those who did spread rumors about me and continuing on spreading rumors, not only about me, but also about other people, behind their backs. Stop that. Reflect, you're just insecure.
All of us have mistakes and you dont have to reiterate that to other people, lalo na if they didn't see those bad qualities sa person, they might just tell the person you are gossiping about, what kind of person you are, backbiter. =P
More news...
I bought the Kalaidoscope World CD of the Kalayaan Residence Hall. I'd soon upload the music here at my blog!
My picture last formal dinner would soon be posted. As soon as exams are out, I'll go back to normal blogging.
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