Save Rona! For Pete's Sake.
This week is really hard for RONA. This girl's for real and due to recent happenings in the house, I do believe she deserves a chance to...
This week is really hard for RONA. This girl's for real and due to recent happenings in the house, I do believe she deserves a chance to stay and be in the running to win the competition.
Priscilla and Beauty are in no position to disrespect her, and her decisions. She, being torned between what's right or wrong and she deciding to somehow know Shy a little bit more, isn't bad.
The selfish b*atch of the house Priscilla and Beauty, and of course Queen Nikki conspired and forces her to stay away from Shy, if she wants their friendship back.
This season's hopeless and is in the running for worst season ever. If not for the joy I see when Nanay Minda appears on my TV screen and when Mommy Sandy tried to separate the Nicosef flirting apart scenes, I would've not wanted to watch this.
These are a bunch of very plain housemates, not to mention their flat personalities.
As of now, my current bets are: Valerie, Alex, Robi and Rona.
Other than those four, I don't see any potential with the other housemates.
To vote for Rona, key in:
BB RONA send to 231 for SMART and to 2331 for GLOBE/SUN
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